To take full advantage of the features of Cloud Booking, you need to set a series of parameters based on your work needs.
On this page we can set:
*Option valid only for companies belonging to the Catering category.
In this section you can define how to send reminders to customers and the notice period.
The available options are, send by:
*You must pair the app with the software
**You must have an active plan for sending text messages
We provide the ability to connect your Stripe account with “Prenotazioni Cloud” to allow your customers to escrow their credit card and make payments.
In this way you can decide at the time of booking by the customer whether or not to ask for card details for a booking deposit in order to avoid the increasingly frequent “no-shows”.
In case of obligation, you must enter the amount of the penalty to be paid in case of absence.
Card data will be encrypted and used directly by Stripe (leader in the industry)
Using the appropriate form, the booking conditions kept by the customer at the time of booking are defined.
It is advisable to specify any penalties in case of no-show.